Cuttlefish, the one of my favourite models underwater.....I have spent hours with them, learned to keep them calm for the photos..Not an easy job...
They are constantly changing they colour according the backround to camoflage themselves and when they get stressed they will turn grey and black. If is very difficult to get close to them as they are very sensitive.
This cuttlefish is a happy male....He knows he is safe.... with me.
I spent years for waiting a rare occation;....they mating rituals....It is something special to see. Never got that on camera....It is so aggressive and fast, believe me..But I had an honor to be 'lady cuttlefish'; my hand that is. I learned to move my hand in certain way to 'fool' a male and one day, finally, after hours and hours endless hand wiggling my hand had it....the male cuttlefish love.
I am so happy about that.....!!!