Monday, 6 June 2011

Behind the scene of photoshoot

Our photoshoots are fun. Sometimes we have to paint where ever it is convenient. Here we are preparing for the gypsy shoot;  model's been painted and the gypsy dog is waiting patiently for his star moment. Looks lke he is relaxing too.

We laugh a lot and we'll put models at ease. The laughter is the best way of relaxing. We work hard and we get professional results.

The staff is Fine Art trained, teacher trained, therapy trained, make-up trained and of course Photography trained for the highest level. The minimun level of training is University degree; nothing less do.

The Photographer; that is me, has got three degrees, numerous refresment training courses; teacher qualification and CBT training for understanding psyghological and emotional subjects..

The staff is CRB checked,  so we can work with children.  You can book in confidence.

Riitta Toro Photography and Design 

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Tree of life

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