I was just thinking....(.suprise!!!!suprise!!!!) about my fantasticly different brain today. Not because I am interested in biology of human body, but just to analyse how difficult it is sometimes to own one special brain like mine. At the same time, it would be bloody difficult without it... I often wonder what would it be like with on little more normal?. Would it be easier and would I be happier? Well, definately not so interesting anyway.
I have extra departments on my brain and they have a special functionalities; The first of all I have this huge capability of imagining and seeing visual scenaries. When I look at people, I can visualise they entire life just according they body language. It all might be wrong or it might be right.....Often it is the lather...Sometimes my imagination swamps me, all channels seem to be open at the same time. This makes things a bit tricky when I need to concentrate on practicalities...I live most of the time on cloud seven.
When I am listening somebodys conversation, I am able to left my body, travel thousants of miles, pop into the other side of the world and back and answer the question required nearly at the right time and nearly always in the right manner. Sometimes there are some delays, but mostly I am an the ball with my surroundings....
I love spending time inside my head. Equally I love meeting people with the gifts like me, so we can compare the notes.
My extra terrestrial brain is very annoying only when I have a deadline; the more stressed I get, the more I am devided in million directions. Therefore I work well under stress, but I don't cope it well..hhhmmm...if you get my drift...
This is how it works; My brain has ability to be overly stimulated at all times..so for example, when I am outside, I am obviously surrounded by images, sounds and smells. However, one thing I can't do is to filter them so I am constantly overwelmed by it all. Normal brain can collect needed information and filter the rest leaving them outside. Mine can't. I receive it all. Most of the time it is an information -super-high-way for me. Feelings, touching, smells, thoughts, excitement, happiness, sadness and more for me are over saturated.
It is often called mental illness.......for me it is just an extra dimension...the gift....extra terrestrial brain...
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